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Coleslaw Salad コールスローサラダ
Recipe type: Appetizers, Salad
Cuisine: Japanese
Serves: 2

Good Morning everyone, another weekend has come and it’s a very cloudy day here in Japan. Tomorrow is the hubby’s birthday and I had to think of what to make for his birthday. I think I will make him a new chicken recipe that I found a couple days ago. Well today’s Japanese cooking Recipe is called Coleslaw Salad or コールスローサラダ in Japanese. Very easy to make and tasty, I hope that you enjoy this recipe. Well, let’s see what we need to make our Coleslaw Salad.
  • 200g cabbage, cut into julienne strips
  • 90g carrot, cut into thinly strips
  • 3 sliced ham, cut into thinly strips
  • ¼ onion, cut into thinly slice
  • 2 branch parsley tear to small pieces
  • A:
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp mayonnaise
  • ½ tsp salt
  • pepper
  • orange zest, cut into thinly strips

  1. Place the carrot and onion into a bowl; add the ingredients for “A”. Let stand for about 5 min.
  2. Add the cabbage, parsley and ham and mix well. Arrange into a plate.

There you have it. Hope you enjoy this, until next time let’s cook together. 次回は一緒に作りましょう~^^/~~ PS: If you enjoy my Daily recipe subscribe to my RSS Feed and I also have available my first e-Book, which FREE to you for coming by and reading my Japanese CookingRecipes. Thank you..
