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Calpis Selected Butter カルピス特選バター
Author: Naoko Yoshioka
Recipe type: Article
There you have it. Hope you enjoy this, until next time let’s cook together. 次回は一緒に作りましょう~^^/~~ PS: If you enjoy my Daily recipe subscribe to my RSS Feed and I also have available my first e-Book, which is FREE to you for coming by and reading my Cooking Japanese Style. Thank you..

After searching Google I found your site. I think both are good and I will be coming back to you and them in the future. Thanks
Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up
i love calpis butter. i learned some great recipe in your site. like shrimp tomato curl, squid and chicken butter rice. i am craving for food now.