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Tofu Dengaku 豆腐田楽
Recipe type: Main Dish
Cuisine: Japanese
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Serves: 2

Here’s a Japanese Style Home Cooking Recipe that is very Delicious. You will find this dish in most Japanese homes, the only thing that maybe different maybe the Miso. We have so much different kinds of miso, that you should try the one that fits your taste buds.
  • 1 pack “Cotton” Tofu
  • 50 grams Miso
  • 2 tablespoon Sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Mirin
  • 5 tablespoon Dashi Stock
  • 1 pinch Sesame
  • 1/10 teaspoon Sudachi Zest

  1. Cut the cotton tofu in half. Wrap in kitchen paper and press lightly to squeeze out water.
  2. Put the miso, mirin, sugar, and dashi stock into a small pot and mix, then place over a low heat while stirring to make miso sauce.
  3. Cut the tofu into 2-3㎝ bars, grill with using cooking grill or grill pan until both sides of browned, and transfer to oven or oven toaster dish.
  4. Spread on the miso sauce, grill for 7-8 minute in oven toaster at 190℃ ( If you can used the oven, 4-5minute at 220℃)
  5. Arrange the tofu on plate, garnish with sesame and sudachi zest.

There you have it. Hope you enjoy this recipe, until next time let’s cook together. 次回は一緒に作りましょう~^^/~~ PS: If you enjoy my Daily recipe subscribe to our RSS Feed, if you are on Facebook you can find us on our Fan Page and Follow us on Twitter. I also have available my first “Free EBook” which is FREE to you for coming by and reading my Cooking Japanese Style. Thank you.



