Penne Pasta with Balsamico Style ペンネのバルサミコソース
Author: Naoko Yoshioka
Recipe type: Main Dish, Pasta
Serves: 2
- 3 eggplant
- 3 bunch coriander
- 2 tbsp Balsamico vinegar
- 1⅓ olive oil
- 160g penne pasta
- salt
- Cut the eggplant into 1-2㎝ wide slice, chop the coriander into 1-2cm pieces. Boil the penne pasta.
- Heat the olive oil, in a frying pan, add the eggplant and fry, add the salt and fry, when the eggplant are light brown color, sprinkle the balsamic vinegar, and add the coriander, stir- fry quickly.
- Add the boiled penne pasta, and mix well. Finally, sprinkle the olive oil.
There you have it. Hope you enjoy this, until next time let’s cook together. 次回は一緒に作りましょう~^^/~~ PS: If you enjoy my Daily recipe subscribe to my RSS Feed and I also have available my first e-Book, which FREE to you for coming by and reading my Japanese CookingRecipes. Thank you..
Recipe by Cooking Japanese Style at